Fuel Polishing
Fuel polishing is a process to remove water, sediment, and sludge down to (1) Micron from Diesel and Gasoline.

Fuel Tank Services: Cleaning and Fuel Polishing
Newer automobiles have high-pressure fuel injection systems that require clean fuel to prevent fuel pump and injector damage. In diesel fuel tanks, colonies of filter-clogging bacteria and fungus grow where fuel and water meet in the tank; the byproduct of these colonies is acidic sludge, which corrodes tanks and engine components.
Indicators of dirty fuel may be slow flow of fuel from the dispenser nozzle.
Types of Fuel Contamination
Water contamination in fuel can include emulsified, dissolved, or free-standing water. All forms of water contamination can lead to tank Internal Corrosion shortening the life of the underground tank.
Microbial contaminants in fuel can include mold, yeast, bacteria, and organic matter, which can clog filters and lead to tank Internal Corrosion shortening the life of the underground tank.
Particulate contamination in fuel can include dirt, soot, rust, and other solid particles that can clog and damage combustible engines.in fuel can include dirt, soot, rust, and other solid particles that can clog and damage combustible engines.

Benefits of Keeping Your Fuel Clean
- Fewer customer complaints
- Polishing fuel costs less than replacing contaminated dirty fuel
- Increases fuel tank longevity by preserving the interior of the fuel tank
- Less dispenser down time
- No time loss for emergency generators that suck up water and stop working

Fuel Cleaning for Backup Power Applications
Data center, research labs, hospitals, healthcare facilities, and nursing homes all need to be prepared in an emergency.
We can clean your tanks without any loss of product!

Diesel Issues
Over the past several years, the sulfur content in diesel has gone from 5,000 parts per million to 15 parts per million to comply with emission standards. Reducing the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel makes the fuel vulnerable to microbial growth. When fuel becomes contaminated, the water in diesel fuel becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, which clogs filters.
Fuel impurities and debris in fuel settle out over time ending up on the bottom of the tank creating sludge. Each new load of fuel dropped into the tank stirs up the sludge allowing dirty fuel to be pulled up through the submersible pump, clogging the screen and filters at the Dispenser or Suction pump.
Prevention: A combination of Fuel Polishing and a Maintenance program of Diesel Fuel Treatments can help the tank longevity whether it be an underground/aboveground steel or fiberglass tank.
This applies to Gasoline tanks as well.
Ethanol Fuel Problems
Phase separation occurs to ethanol-blended gasoline when water is present. The water sinks to the bottom of the tank. Phase separated fuel has low octane and if the alcohol/water mixture gets into the engine, severe damage can occur.
Bulk storage tanks should be regularly inspected, and water should be gently removed to prevent phase separation. High-volume pumping of the fuel/water or transferring this mixture to a holding tank can be a costly mistake. As the product is mixed with water, more and more ethanol is removed causing partial phase separation that can become catastrophic phase separation. Catastrophic phase separation causes damage to petroleum equipment and customer vehicles.
When fuel becomes contaminated and is out of specification, the fuel can’t be sold.

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